Member BenefitsThe Ontario Livestock and Poultry Council (OLPC) was launched in 2005 to provide a forum to facilitate the development and coordination of an Ontario strategy to deal with foreign animal disease and other transmissible livestock and poultry diseases. Initially, our activities focused on the development of a provincial Animal Health Act, encouraging adequate funding for the office of the Chief Veterinary Officer and Animal Health Lab, promoting disease simulation exercises, and coordinating biosecurity strategies between all stakeholders and with government.
We have recently set our objectives for the next five years and identified three key strategic directions: 1. Increase On-Farm Biosecurity Awareness and Encourage Implementation; 2. Assist with Coordination of Emergency Preparedness Efforts; and 3. Continue Networking and Advocacy Efforts with Government Agencies and Academia. The OLPC provides an opportunity for members to share information on current biosecurity initiatives and projects. It also offers a venue for support for biosecurity and emergency response issues you may wish addressed. |
Membership and
How to Join Application forms are available by clicking here. Membership dues are $770.00. Meetings are held bi-monthly (June, August, October, December, February, April) held virtually via Zoom. For groups who do not wish to join the Council but would like to be kept current of our activities, we will add you to our electronic distribution list and disease alerts for a $50.00. |